1 definition by GazzMan757

The instincts associated with drinking or while drinking(drunk). Ex.1: Not spilling your drink while falling over. 2: Catching a knocked over drink before it spills. 3: Making your way home while drunk and not remembering doing it. 4: Accidentally dodging flying objects while drunk. 5: Becoming a professional pool player while drunk. 6: Destroying at beer pong while drunk.
Person 1: Dude, I don't know how I got home last night.
Person 2: Drinkstincts must've kicked in.

My Drinkstincts helped me win 10 games of pool in a row at the bar last night.

My Drinkstincts helped me destroy at beer pong.

My Drinkstincts always ensure that I never spill my beer.
by GazzMan757 February 16, 2018
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