2 definitions by Gary McGary

cariked; cariking; carikes


1. Absurdly hot, razor sharp woman with a mesmerising, incredible thigh gap.
2. (hence figuratively) Any aperture which is particular narrow, enticing, or visually appealing.

transitive verb

1. To take advantage of the fleeting appearance of a CARIKE.
1. To consume from a CARIKE, often with extreme gusto.
Did you see the shot he just made? Cariked it right past the keeper!

Stop cariking your cocktails! I haven’t finished my first glass!
by Gary McGary November 24, 2021
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Brexic victory (n, usually singular):

1. A victory which is both damaging in the short-term, and yet also leads to staggering long-term losses.

2. A disaster both tactically and strategically.

3. A victory which no one should have wished for had they known the present or future consequences.

4. (pejorative) Any of the above senses, with the implication that the 'victor' is deluded as to the nature of their 'victory'.

Portmanteau of Brexit and Pyrrhic victory.
The Embargo Act of 1807, as a response to the Chesapeake–Leopard Affair, both failed to damage British exports - they found new markets in South America - and damaged both the US economy and public confidence in the fairness of the US government. It was a short-term diplomatic failure, and a long-term economic disaster for the USA; the bill's passing is an early example of a Brexic victory.
by Gary McGary June 23, 2017
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