2 definitions by GLIP

The distinct body odor of a person with usually an Iranian or Arabic background. The origin of the pungent smell is easily identified in a crowded place, yet the causes for the smell is not yet known to man.
Wow, I can smell his browness all the way across the room.

A:I hate taking public transportation. Especially the smell in the mornings, it just kills me.
B:I know, bad breath and coffee, mixed with the occasional browness.
by GLIP March 13, 2012
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To experience life energetically as other life forms, such as a door, bird or plant.
I was trippin on cid last night and was totally glippin’ bro.

“I am so totally wasted on acid bro”

“Just have a glip!”
by GLIP December 15, 2020
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