16 definitions by Furry Trout

Someone who, in a conversation, can’t stop using adjectives to describe something, even after the sentence has gone grammatically awry
Red Fraggle is such an overdescriber. Today she was on the phone with a client and actually said “it's still kinda the same activity a little bit like this kind of” when she was comparing today’s activity to previous activity.
by Furry Trout May 12, 2010
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Successfully botching or combining two cliché’s into one new phrase that makes no sense, but still allows the listener to understand the intended platitude.
Jeffrey coined another classic amalgamadage today. We were talking about trying to minimize the aggravation our customer was experiencing, and he blurts out, “Spite my nose of the very hand that feeds us.” It was an incredible blend of “Cut off your nose despite your face” and “Bite the hand that feeds you.” I was rendered speechless, yet still managed to take copious notes.
by Furry Trout July 12, 2011
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