3 definitions by Funny guy 987

Flies game is a game where 2 (or more) individuals shove there thumbs up their asses, then expose them to open air and see you attracts more flies. The thumb attracting more flies win
Hey Elvis you are pretty good at playing flies! You had 20 land on your thumb last time
by Funny guy 987 December 4, 2020
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When two or more people go outside on a hot day and stick their thumbs up their butt. They take them out and the winner has the most flies land on their thumb.
Do you want to play a game of flies?

Flies game is a game where 2 (or more) individuals shove there thumbs up their asses, then expose them to open air and see you attracts more flies. The thumb attracting more flies win
by Funny guy 987 December 4, 2020
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A game where two people stick their thumb up their butt and who ever has the most flies land on their thumb wins.
Did you see how many flies were on Carl’s thumb? He won that game of flies.
by Funny guy 987 December 3, 2020
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