2 definitions by Funny 4 Real Real (F42R)

Guy who uses women. Treats them like they mean nothing. Most self entitled person to walk the earth. Has a god complex due his over inflated ego. The cops are usually always at his house. You meet an Ajdin, run. Well known in social communities as a walking red flag.
Girlfriend 1: I just met someone who expected me to buy his dinner tonight.
Girlfriend 2: of he's an Ajdin, run
by Funny 4 Real Real (F42R) July 6, 2023
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Slang used by people who are phonetically challenged and are not versed with the teachings of yoga. Or they are drunk at the time and it is pronounced,

Word of the Day: Namaste
Used in a sentence:

My friend: "you going out tonight"?
Me: "Namaste My Ass At Home"
yoga slang drunk lonely funny phonetics Ebonics namaste
by Funny 4 Real Real (F42R) November 22, 2015
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