1 definition by Franksnatrax.

A soul mate is the meeting of minds, bodies and souls, a person with whom your soul connects with on a level so deep that it is completely unexplainable, until experienced. The love is so strong the chemistry is unexplainable and sex is mind blowing. Everything blends together harmoniously, conversations flow seamlessly, you feel their touch when apart and their voice echoes in your mind peacefully. You know nothing will ever be that bad as long as you have them. You feel like you can conquer anything because you have them by your side. They motivate you to be the best you can. Your soul mate will love all your flaws just like you’ll love theirs. Being in their presence fills you with a bliss that nothing else can give you. It’s like one soul in two different bodies and when you find your soul mate it is the most fantastic experience ever.
by Franksnatrax. December 9, 2020
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