1 definition by Flowcentral

An over-rated internet rapper, he received a substantial amount of recognition for his ability to battle and rap with multis. The truth behind his success was a whole fraternity full of college buddies all working together to boost one account, starting with the paid rap battle tournaments. To those "die hard" he is the best ever fans, sorry to spoil your hero, but DZK is a fraud, it stands for Delta Zeta Kappa. His run was short lived, he survived relevant for a short time after the fraternity no longer had his back, but even with the also over-rated canibus supporting him he still amounted to nothing more than an internet stunt by college kids. Not to mention a self proclaimed atheist won't make it far in an industry run by the devil. There is also the part about him being a short chubby pansy which wouldn't do him well on stage either.
DZK is a rapper, well Delta Zeta Kappa is a fraternity working behind "DZK"s voice.
by Flowcentral April 15, 2022
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