1 definition by Fliss Taylor

A Goth is someone who likes the different side of things. They have their own choice in music, and they don't care if no-one else likes it or not. "Real" goths are not depressing and suicidal like the posers you see around town. Goths are fun to be around with and aren't afraid to laugh at themselves every so often. They don't all worship Satan and aren't evil despite what some ignorant people might say. Goths don't dress alike either. They like to create their own unique style. Goths are also very intelligent and creative. A lot of them are writers and artists. Goths DON'T envy the popular people. They are what they are because it makes them happy. Goths would rather stay who they are and be among the so called "freaks" than be like everyone else and be popular. They understand that there are more important things in life than popularity, and usually succeed in life while the popular ones don't become much of anything.
If someone becomes "goth" because they couldn't get any friends or are depressed and angry all the time, they are posers.
A goth will walk alone where a chav will hide inside his herd and though the goth may take a beating at least that goth was never a coward.
A goth will insult only those who have earnt it whereas a chav will insult people for things as shallow as the clothes they are wearing.
A goths insult will be witty and cutting, a chavs insult more often than not will consist of the chav making a repulsive noise.
A goth will enrich their mind, a chav will watch soaps.
In the morning, a goth will ask themselves “what do I want to wear?” whilst a chav will ask themselves “what in this selection of clothes is the most acceptable thing to wear?”
A goth will have a friend because they are good for someone, a chav will have a friend because that someone is good for them.
A goth approaches new situations with a willingness to think and find the best way forward, a chav will react with aggression to that which it does not already know.
A goth will listen to music that is meaningful to their life and thought provoking, a chav will listen to music which will tell him how to behave.
- There is actually no specific way to describe goth, because it really is unique...but I just wanted to make it clear to people that "Goth" isn't all evil and blood and gore and whatever, because goths can have fun, laugh and enjoy themseves.
This is all my point of view, and sure, everyone has their own, and that's fine with me, just as long as I don't get dissed for what I believe, because that's prejudism, and it's usually the goths that suffer prejudism, because people think all they do is waste their lives away by slitting their wrists and posing around looking all scary, but it really isn't so.
Goths have no interest in popularity whatsoever. They think outside the box. People aspire to be popular and dress in certain ways that are 'in' with everyone else simply because it has never occurred to them how pointless societies values really are. Society assumes that what another has thought of, is better than what you can think of on your own but why is one mind better than another? Goths make the greatest friends. Goths have the unusual ideas. Goths just don't suffer from the same afflictions of 'normality'.
A goth can tolerate the surrounding world.
A Chav makes fun of anything that crosses his way, unless it suits him.
A goth can dress however he feels on that day, while a Chav only wears what his friends will accept as "cool".
by Fliss Taylor November 25, 2005
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