2 definitions by Fiyacracker


Sadness or depression for the state of people of color specifically in America.

Intense feeling of sorrow for the dismal way that people of color are targeted by media, politics and engineered social ideation.

I can’t watch the news it always leaves me melanincholy.

Did you hear about that cop shooting that kid in the back? Yeah, I was melanincholy for weeks.
by Fiyacracker August 24, 2019
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Acronym for Trailer Park Bougie.

A person who comes from the trailer park life style but acts as though they have Beyonce money.

These people wear logos on everything because they want you to know who they are wearing.

These people put ice in their boxed wine.

They only eat at chain restaurants because hey Olive Garden is the high life.
I met Sam’s family for the first time this week I don’t think it’s going to work. They are so T.P.B.

That T.P.B. girl actually wants to hang out with me. I think I’ll pass.
by Fiyacracker August 24, 2019
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