2 definitions by FischingForKnowledge
Celebrated every year on December 26th, it is a time where people gather to celebrate the birth of anyone bearing in name the prefix "Fitz". The literal translation derives from the Spanish word "más" to mean "More Fitz"
That Mr. Fitzgerald is awesome and for Fitzmas this year I'm going to give thanks for him and hope that I can enjoy more amazing people like him.
by FischingForKnowledge December 22, 2020
Celebrated every year on December 26th, it is a time where people gather to celebrate the birth of anyone bearing in name the prefix "Fitz". The literal translation derives from the Spanish word "más" to mean "More Fitz"
That Mr. Fitzgerald is awesome and for Fitzmas this year I'm going to give thanks for him and hope that I can meet more amazing people like him.
by FischingForKnowledge December 22, 2020