10 definitions by Fidel

1. One who constantly enjoys a dick in the ass.
2. One who has a posterior shaped like a dick.
That justin timberlake is a dickass!
by Fidel August 14, 2003
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1. A fine cigar of excellent calibur.
2. Me when i'm drunk.
pass me a fidel castro my good man
by Fidel August 14, 2003
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A word thats been used within the music industry for a looooong time.
A promo or "promotional" record, A record of dubious origin, A record that has uncleared samples, a record that the artist can't sell legally, or a record that has been bootlegged and released way earlier than it legally should have been. Called such because by definition they have a "whitelabel" often marked only by sharpie.
by Fidel June 3, 2004
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