1 definition by Ferby

juggalettes are not FANS or FOLLOWERES. we're just as down w/ that wicked sh*T as juggalos, only we got pussies and tits. we are just as equal, and deserve all the same love and respec as a 'Lo. However, dont be fooled by all the fuckin poser bitches. those are fukin hoes who dont know about the family as much the music. a bitch who knows some songs and some juggalo pick ups (eg juggalo's say what?!) but wont do shit for a family member, or fuckin shit on you for another person, or sum tweak, or sum shit like that, aint down at all. whoop whoop to the reel fukin lettes!!!
a real juggalette is a down ass lette who deserves MUCH respect!
by Ferby October 16, 2007
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