2 definitions by Feminist
A pornographic website run by a piece of shit named Greg Entner. This website seems fun and relatively cool to its viewers (mostly males), but it is destructive to most of the young women being paid to screw for $$$. It is not an actual "bus", it is a white van with very dark-tinted windows. Entner goes by the nickname "Dirty Sanchez" and makes a hefty profit, as well as being able to elude investigations into what he really does to women...which is to exploit them and humiliate them. This rotten cocksucker will be found out someday.
Down with Bangbus...up with women's rights!
by Feminist May 19, 2006
A man typically exhibiting outward aggression and hatred towards women, manifested in the form of a waist:hip ratio of greater than 1, unshaven armpits and rough-hewn skin roughly of the consistency one would expect on a career life saver of forty years and having a really small penis.
by Feminist December 3, 2002