2 definitions by FЯAИK FƎOLI

Its like bi-sexual, but you also like trannies. So your tri-sexual if you like guys, girls, and trannies.
Guy 1: Woah! Look at that group of hot bods!
Guy 2: Dude! That's a guy, a girl, and a tranny, in that group!
Guy 1: I guess I'm tri-sexual then.
Guy 2: I guess so.
by FЯAИK FƎOLI May 7, 2011
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The ultimate multiple personalities guy.
Eminem - Serious
Slim Shady - Evil/Comedy
Marshal - Personal
B-Rabbit - Freestyling/Battling
Marshall Mathers has (a) very interesting live(s)
by FЯAИK FƎOLI March 29, 2011
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