1 definition by Evilbob

Thanks for (the) game

See also: tftg

A polite remark uttered after the end of a round, game, or other measured interval to thank the opponent for the game.

Notably, an alternative to "gg", for when the game was definitely NOT "good", or to avoid insensitively saying it was a "good game" after you just squashed them into a pulp (or won out of pure luck).
<Player 1> gg.
<Player 2> Dude. Not gg. Definitely not a good game. The draws were awful.
<Player 1> Umm... how about thanks for game? tfg?
<Player 2> Sure. Let's go with that.
<Player 2> tfg
<Player 1> tfg
by Evilbob December 15, 2012
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