2 definitions by Ethanos

Ethan is the name of a king or god. He is cool, funny, negative at times, and definitely a leader. He is loving towards his family and good to his friends, but if you get on his bad side, be prepared for the worst. Even if all else states otherwise, he is an enigma which can only be truly comprehended by his closest family members. Some will say he has an evil spirit and no soul. Some say he is a pessimist, but he doesn’t take that as an insult, he takes it in as feedback that can help him. He does not like authority at all, and completely defies it. He tries to make his own authority for others to follow. He can’t stand people that don’t have a sense of humor. He is drawn greatly to artistic talent and loves anything that requires great artistic ability. Sometimes you would even think that he isn’t human because right after an injury he bounces right back up like nothing in his way can stop him. He is amazing and you would be lucky to be close to this person
Ethan is the coolest person I know.
by Ethanos November 26, 2018
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A man beast is a an individual that is acting like a tough bloke or a beast hence the term man beast
He is acting like an absolute man beast
by Ethanos April 8, 2018
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