10 definitions by Enigmatical

A very ironic spelling of "grammar".
Philanthropist: And in conclusion, I think that this plan will end world hunger, cure cancer, and save man kind from war.
Dumbass: LOLOLOLCOPTER mankind is 1 word roflmao youre grammer suks so bad hahaha your such a retarded
by Enigmatical October 26, 2010
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This term is similar to the apostrophe catastrophe, but it is reserved for the most revolting of apostrophe errors. Only a true abomination of a linguist would commit an apostrophe atrocity.
Examples of the apostrophe atrocity:

"Did yo'u do the home'work?"

"I do'nt think that its nece'ssary"

"O'h loo'k, its our Eng'lish teach'er"

"Why i's sh'e cryi'ng?
by Enigmatical November 18, 2010
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An inhabitant of Draynor Village in RuneScape. Contrary to what his name might suggest, the Master Farmer does not spend any time "farming", per se. Instead, he spends his days roaming around the square, waiting for players to try to steal his seeds so he can scream "Cor blimey mate, what are ye doing in me pockets?" and punch them hard enough to cause fractures. He lives for this.
Because he does not farm, it is questionable how he manages to get so many seeds to begin with. Perhaps he buys them on the Grand Exchange; perhaps he is a pickpocket himself; perhaps he has secret underground crops farmed by an army of Master Farmerites. Whatever the case, he fits right in with the many sketchy citizens of Draynor.
Player: *attempts to pick the Master Farmer's pocket*
Master Farmer: *gives the player a fracture-causing punch* Cor blimey mate, what are ye doing in me pockets?
Player: Training my thieving level, you dick!
by Enigmatical June 21, 2010
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