32 definitions by English are trannys

A term for an English person oi you fat dirty hairy crooked nosed bellend English man get ur filthy vagina out that sheep’s arsehole ya dirty cunt
So many sheep shagging bastards now a days should kill them all
by English are trannys December 12, 2021
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Humans are a bunch of fucking retarded cunts that smell of shit and one day I will chop all you fuckers up you fat slags
Did you see they humans walking around their dirty bastards
by English are trannys December 13, 2021
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Something only the fat dirty English greedy pig bastards drink to cure their vagina disease. Fucking fat shits
Accurate americunt Fat inbred American - you English people only drink tea and live in castles
by English are trannys December 13, 2021
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The English Welsh and Irish are all dirty sheep shagging shit head bastards but so are the niggers have you seen what they skid marks to do the goats and sheep in Africa are they give them a new arsehole
Did you see them sheep shagging bastards up in africa with their big shit dick fucking anything that moves.
by English are trannys December 14, 2021
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Any person who isn’t white. Did you see them shit skin niggers and pakis and spics they stink like shit their dirty pricks. Also people call them skid mark bastards same with the chinks because someone literally shit them all out of their arsehole
Did you see them poopskins infecting the whole whites race with their aids and hiv. and have their welfare check.
by English are trannys December 13, 2021
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Full of dirty sheep shagging bastards with vaginas and hairy one with insects in them as well fucking faggots.
Wales is a shit hole full of wankers that only get the pleasure from shagging sheep’s knob heads
by English are trannys December 12, 2021
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They sound like a bunch of faggots getting fucked with a dildo just shut up and kill your self Americans you fat lazy no good shits.
The American accent makes people go nuts like shut up you fat annoying inbred pricks
by English are trannys December 13, 2021
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