5 definitions by EndersUDAccount

used to define the sudden urge to rage quit against certain people.
How can you win so many games in such a short time?

Optimus effect
by EndersUDAccount May 1, 2020
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Asking for the weather, "What's It Outside"
"What's it out? I haven't gone outside since march 2020"
by EndersUDAccount January 6, 2021
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The money spent on being a SIMP or given to a woman in hopes of getting with them, or beating off to them.
You can't keep giving away your beater bucks to these thots on onlyfans
by EndersUDAccount May 11, 2020
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Used In Online gaming, it's short for Prime Brazilian Hours, to signify the times when Brazilian players with good ping and connection get online.
Person 1: Jesus Christ, what type of ping does this man have? Why does he keep saying "izi "and "br?"
Person 2: It's PBH.
by EndersUDAccount April 20, 2019
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