2 definitions by Ellebb

While dating, when one person seems to be ghosting the other but then miraculously reappears once again after the other has come to terms with being the ghostee and is already over it. They often make a routine of it, thus causing an up and down roller coaster effect.
Friend #1: girrrl did you ever hear from that dude again after he ghosted you?
Friend #2: ya! He sent me a message asking how I’m doing. I’m not gonna reply. I ain’t out here to ride the ghoster coaster.
by Ellebb July 29, 2019
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Friend 1: Sorry I missed your birthday party, my fave D texted me to join up and I couldn’t say no
Friend 2: damn girl. I understand. I hope it was a good dicksicion
by Ellebb October 18, 2019
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