1 definition by EisenKanzler

A POC's fear, illogical and/or ideological hatred of people of European-Caucasian descent for no particular reason, given; other than having an immutable characteristic of being fair-skinned, Caucasian and having the historical connection to the old country within the European Continent.
Europhobia, as stated below:

American's and especially the far left to whom live in complete ignorance of having a profound hatred of an ethnic group of people with an immutable characteristic of being and/or having white skin and being ethnically Caucasian while also actively denying, refusing to take accountability and blaming the other party of what they themselves are doing or having being accused of doing something ambiguously illegal, racist or both while fighting the clear-cut nature of reality and objective fact.
by EisenKanzler March 18, 2023
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