2 definitions by Eggcat

A girl that plays 5+ instruments and has medium length hair. She's really cool to hang out around with, but only in small friend groups. Anna's shy at first, but then she'll be a bundle of joy. If you make her mad, she'll get revenge ASAP.
Person A : "Hey, theres Anna. Doesn't she play a lot of instruments?"
Person B : "Yeah, she's also really cool."
by Eggcat July 20, 2022
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An asian girl that plays flute, wether it's good or not we'll decide later. Medium length dark hair, and has a B+ in math. Likes drawing, but can't draw.
Person A : "Hey thats Tiantian!"
Person B : "She can't play the flute, sad."
Person A : "I know, but we have to encourage her or else she'll stop."
by Eggcat July 20, 2022
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