1 definition by Eddys Urjsk

Where it comes from: Fromaged is a English word that comes from the French word “fromage” which means cheese. The verb fromaged comes from the movie “The Fromage” with the movie staring eddy urjsk as the character fromage.

History of word: The term “fromage” was first commonly used during the Roman Empire especially with Julia Fessar. During lot's of interviews you can hear Julia Fessar saying the term fromage ex: “yeah, I just fromage that one dude into his locker” and there are several more examples of this. But the word is speculated to first started to be said by the cavemen which they called it “fromage”.

What does it mean? Fromage means to put someone into a small room like a locker, under a bench...
Sorry for fromaging you.
Can I fromage you?
by Eddys Urjsk April 21, 2021
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