15 definitions by EatDirtFartDust

A deviant sexual act, usually performed between to homosexual males. The first subject anally penetrates the second subject, then uses his penis to draw a "Hitler-style" mustache on the face of the second subject with the second subjects own fecal matter.
"I pulled out and gave him a SteamPoweredHitler."
by EatDirtFartDust June 7, 2009
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The act of fabricating an online girlfriend to impress people.
Nero's girlfriend Ataraxia was made by him out of Neraxia.
by EatDirtFartDust December 10, 2008
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Generally means to have deviant backwoods sex. In rare circumstances it can also mean to go "off-roading"... but usually, it's the sex.
We went "finding Larry" last night on a backroad.
by EatDirtFartDust June 22, 2011
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Culmination of the words Pie, Penis, and Balls. It means to perform sexual acts on a pie, usually fruit-type, and warm. Popularized by the horribly-shitty movie, "American Pie."
I saw the apple pie just laying there, so I gave it the ol' piepbal.
by EatDirtFartDust January 25, 2009
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Slightly crossed or blank looking eyes. Similar to those of a mentally retarded individual
That bitch that The Patriot Game got da hots for? Dat bitch got dem derp eyes!
by EatDirtFartDust December 22, 2012
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Doing gay things, but acting jokily about it, so as to make people think you're not really gay.
He was smiling and laughing as he licked that guys ear lobe, but you could tell by his eyes, he liked it. He's such a lebubu
by EatDirtFartDust January 11, 2009
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Person responsible for making sure gay-porn actors have an erection. The pollmaster usually rubs, squeezes, or applies oils to the penis of the participant until they are erect. Usually the pollmaster will have to follow the participant around, keeping the penis erect, during lunch breaks, or napping, etc...
Nero is the Mushroom Kingdom's official Pollmaster.
by EatDirtFartDust January 23, 2009
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