1 definition by EEZY CEEZY

an opiate cough medicine which is usually acredited to the south however fuck what you hizeard cuz J street started that shit called sippin on some sizzurp. Philadelphia's infamous pharma. drug block 17th and Jefferson street started this phenomenon in the early eighties and although this block is no longer functioning due to high police and task force presence the Yellow or Snot and the Purple can be found throughout the city. The Yellow is twice as expensive as the purple but very potent and the buyer should beware of purple cut with robitussin. Yellow has little specs in it which could be either other drugsz or little codeine chunks, I'm unsure as I ahve never gotten it directly from the doctor. Most people take their syrup with some pancakes or percs and sometimes a xany or two. This can be dangerous if you mix too many however a few shouldnt hurt you unless you have a really weak in which case you should slowly consume your drugs till you feel how they will effect you. This is a very classy drug in the hip hop community as you may get fucked up without getting totally belligerent or itchy like you did a bag of dope.
Mix syrup with hypnotiq and hennessey to create the ultimate incredible hulk.
by EEZY CEEZY September 4, 2007
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