1 definition by EDUCATED LEFT-WINGER

Despite what PENDEJO says, Noam Chomsky is the true American's most valuable resource. The problem with dissent is that you are under much more pressure to produce proof of the true evils you see and know of, as opposed to being pro-conglomerate, which never needs to prove anything, and doesn't care if you don't believe them. Professor Chomsky has an encyclopedic knowledge of FACT, not spun reports, not U.S. media stories, but pure, straight-from-the-source facts. Dr. Chomsky and Dr. Howard Zinn are the most educated and eloquent real voices of dissent, and one would hardly be able to dismiss his truth if one were to actually read it. He provides proof of EVERYTHING he speaks of, and will not comment on a topic he knows nothing of. As of yet, no conservative, 'liberal', right-winger, or republican has been able to discredit anything he has said, nor have they been able to successfully contradict him.
Noam Chomsky gained infamy in the U.S. media in 1979-1980 when he said that a French author who denied the existence and validity of the Holocaust was allowed to publish his works.
by EDUCATED LEFT-WINGER September 17, 2003
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