3 definitions by Dwight k. Schrute

1) adj-The act of jogging through IKEA instead of going to your step mom's former boss's wedding

2) n- when you have to much crust and you just don't know what to do with it
1- bro I just don't wanna go to my step mom's former boss's wedding.
Nah bro you don't have to just police spoon with me instead.

2-ugh this bread is so police spoon.
by Dwight k. Schrute January 9, 2020
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Hey Jim, how are you today?

OH, I have a test today.
Oh, no
I'm going to commit chickacide
by Dwight k. Schrute January 8, 2019
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Someone who is fucking retarded e.g. when you overheard them speaking in spanish to a co-worker and later on ask them if they speak another language.
Joel - "Yo no sé cómo prender esta computadora. Soy lento."

Jeff - "Hey, you speak another language, right?"

Joel - "Other language? What?"

Jeff - "Joel, you are a fucktard."
by Dwight k. Schrute August 3, 2007
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