2 definitions by Dude Brah

A vodka found in Connecticut that tastes like shit, but is priced accordingly. It's about $13 for a 1.75 liter handle (big bottle), which is pretty damn cheap for an 80 proof (or 40% alcohol content). Some hate it because of it's taste that resembles what I assume cowpies must taste like, but some people love it because of the cheap price.

It's very popular among highschoolers and college kids because of it's price but some people refuse to drink it because of it's bad reputation from the taste. It's about as classy as skipping class.

However, someone with a good chaser, a weak tongue, a strong stomach, or a good mix (Gatorade will cover the taste adequately, but definitely not completely) can down it pretty easily, and for the economic price it's worth it if you're running low on cash.
"I got some Dubra for the party!"
"Dude-brah! That shit's gross!"
"It's alcohol, man. Drink up Johnny!"
by Dude Brah May 9, 2012
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this class b cigarette is so good!!
by Dude Brah September 2, 2008
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