1 definition by DtotheLA

Manchester is situated in the North West of England.

Commonly slandered by the Scousers,

"Manchester is the home of poofs and pansies"

True to some aspects, Manchester does have a very popular Gay Village; in which there is a "Gay pride" festival each year with Many famous faces including r Ian McKellen, However, Manchester also has a lot more to offer and a lot more to show for all the hard work over the years.

Manchester United: One of the Most sucessful football teams to come out of England.

Manchester City: The richest football club in the world. (also the best, well; we've got the best fans)

Many musicians that took a huge impact on britain in the 80's-90's were also from Manchester and for that we pride ourselfs.

The Smiths
The Stone Roses
Happy Mondays
(to name a few)

Also if it wasn't for MMU (Manchester Metropolitan University) the legends known as Ric Mayall & Adrian Edmonson would have never met thus drastically altering british humor through out the 90's.

That in turn renders Manchester one of the Greatest citys in one of the Greatest Countries in the world.
Have you been to Manchester? Yeah mate, Even those chilian miners have been..
by DtotheLA February 11, 2011
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