2 definitions by Druid4leaf

"Should be sleeping" much like others such as lol-laugh out loud and Lmao-laughing my ass off.
Specially used in after 1:00 am status updates and tweets as a way to acknowledge you are tired but, obsessive compulsive with social networks.
fb friend: lol, I love Brooklyn nine nine, tell me what you think of it in full detail !!!

you: ummmmm.... sbs


(3:30 am) Wow, I need to read more #sbs
by Druid4leaf October 31, 2014
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When you use a urinal (guys only, obviously) and then you discover you accidentally put your boxers on backwards and can't find slit.
"Man I cant believe I Urinal Walled myself, quick grab a papertowel"
by Druid4leaf July 15, 2014
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