1 definition by Dragon buns

For the people saying that people with depression will slit their wrists, have suicidal thoughts, and dress black, that may be true for some people but it's most definitely not for all.
Depression is also NOT a "side affect of being a teenager" I've met my fair share of teenagers who claim to be depressed but in all actuality they are just said that the boy they like didn't like them back. Teenagers, adults, and children can be depressed.

It is also not a joke, it's not something you can snap out of. Depression is a very real thing that hurts more than anything. It changes the way people live, they eat less, or more, they may gain or lose weight, they just don't have a reason, or can't seem to find a reason to smile. Crying sometimes is all that they can do, or lay in bed when they used to hang out with friends or do sports or anything. Depression is not a choice. Depression is real, and it is an indescribable feeling of sadness and emptiness and guilt. (Emo and depressed are not the same thing)
"why are you sad?"

"I don't know"
"It's okay you can tell me"
"I really don't know I just don't have a reason to smile right now"
"I guess.."
by Dragon buns March 13, 2016
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