9 definitions by Dragomir Andreyevich

Verb. A practical joke which consists of pressing all the elevator buttons as you get off said elevator. This prank works best when the elevator car is loaded with people, and also if the building you're in has at least 8 floors.
me: I just pissed off Scott.
Nathan: how?
me: I Christmas Tree'd him a minute ago.
Nathan: haha nice.
by Dragomir Andreyevich September 11, 2007
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The state of mind when sophomores become disgusted with the Freshman Fifteen. They then proceed to wage warfare on the Freshman Fifteen by forsaking junk food and working out religiously.
Mandy got sick of having to fight her way into her old jeans, so she decided it was time for the Sophomore Slimming.
by Dragomir Andreyevich December 7, 2008
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