3 definitions by Dr. Slappy McGee III Esq.

generic phrase used by myspace users to shamelessly promote their page/link on other "friends" pages.
by Dr. Slappy McGee III Esq. March 7, 2006
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abv. for Designated Ugly Fat Friend; Term men use to describe a fatter, less attractive friend, a woman brings with her to a party or social gathering to make herself look better by comparison. In some cases the more attractive woman will not "put out" for any male, unless one of his friends "takes one for the team" and "hits" the Duff.
C'mon take one for the team and hit that Duff (D.U.F.F.), I'll buy you lunch tomorrow!
by Dr. Slappy McGee III Esq. March 7, 2006
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term used to describe a surplus and disproportionate ratio of males to females at a social gathering; also shorted "Sausage Fest." is acceptable
"Man it's a damn Sausage Festival up in this joint ... let's go to another bar down the street."
by Dr. Slappy McGee III Esq. March 7, 2006
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