1 definition by DoubleFundamanium551

The best friend you could ever have sweet, caring and loving. If you know a Amber your lucky to know her and never forget her. Sporty, Admirable and sometimes a tomboy but at the end of the day she's the best person on the planet and never ever lose her. The smile and the looks create popularity but she doesn't get carried away with it, instead she stays loyal to her friends and never says die and will always stay on your side, no matter what. Amber will never turn on you, the best attitude you will see comes from Amber. Never ever doubt an Amber. They come with many, and many I say memories that you and Amber with remember forever.

For All Friends, Parents or Amber's. You will be loved forever.
You "Look at that girl, so caring!"
Friend "She must be a Amber!"
by DoubleFundamanium551 February 10, 2015
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