1 definition by DominiqueD.D.

common name for a girl, for example, Dominique Dixon. The name literally means "of God", hence, a blessing, an angel. Though not all girls named Dominique are angels, not all are temptresses or evil either. Very hard to define seeing as they are all diffrent and unique and beautiful in her own way.

Note: Dominique is a female french name, Dominic is an americanized male name, derived from the female name, Dominique is not a male name, though it is used as one, but hell a tomatoes a fruit, but its used as a vegtable, shit happens
Her: "Hi, im Dominique"
Him: "Wow, what a beautiful name"
Her: "oh thank you, Its french you know..."
by DominiqueD.D. March 24, 2008
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