2 definitions by Dobbalina

Whilst fully clothed, 'Gugging' is when ones scrotum repeatedly sticks to ones inner thigh. Predominantly experienced by male wearers of boxer shorts

While uncomfortable at the worst - extreme cases can sometimes lead to "The Wrench"

Cases of gugging (or similar) have not been reported by women as yet
It was bloody hot today, I must change my boxers - these ones have had me gugging all day...
by Dobbalina September 6, 2010
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'The Wrench' is where one testicle is accidentally and suddenly trapped/squeezed by the central stiching line of your trousers, after remaining in a seated/slouching postition for too long. In sufferers this causes you to involuntarily leap forward/up whilst simultaneously blurting incomplete expletives.

The Wrench can also cause nausea and extended bruising in extreme cases involving Jeans. Also sometimes caused by excessive Gugging on hot days.
I was on the Sofa watching telly the other day. As I leaned over to get the remote, I uncrossed my legs and got a really bad case of The Wrench - I was on the floor for about 15 minutes, crying like a baby trying not to throw up. One of my bollocks is now Grapefruit sized.
by Dobbalina September 6, 2010
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