1 definition by DisKimBobulated

Mistress: "The Miss between the Mister and the Mattress"
My recent ex girlfriend told me she felt like my Mistress as athough my old relationship is completely over and has been for years, I am still a "room mate" with that person and our daughter as we sort things out.. I would see her, we would do things together, have fun, then I would have to come home to my house with my other ex still in it.. not the best way to start a relationship..

She got tired of being the Mistress while I was working on sorting things out..

I still get a chuckle when I think of this!

My Mistress is no more.. I'm gonna "Miss" her but am ready to find me another Mistress to be happy with!
by DisKimBobulated September 3, 2011
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