2 definitions by DigitalCrapShoveler

An individual that prefers sexual intercourse with one's self..

No to be confused with masturbation. This individual would be a hermaphrodite or male that was exceptionally endowed for self penetration.

The process would most likely be achieved through bending a not full erection back towards the perineum or abdomen for penetration.
"Wow, you banged yourself? I've never seen an Egosexual before."
by DigitalCrapShoveler July 8, 2009
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Your co-workers that do absolutely NOTHING, and have no qualm about YOU doing their job.

Often filler for over inflated companies with too many employees.
Any given company suffers the 80/20 Rule. 20% of the people do 80% of the work. The rest are Vocational Cattle.
by DigitalCrapShoveler June 26, 2009
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