3 definitions by Derpderp200

A person that smokes a lot of weed and has become obese from a severe case of the munchies
Synonyms: Pot Potato
"Dude, there was this girl who smoked a ton of weed in my school and was super chubby, we called her a weed whale."
by Derpderp200 December 29, 2017
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A person that smokes a lot of weed and has become obese from a severe case of the munchies
Synonyms: Pot Potato
"Dude, there was this girl who smoked a ton of weed in my school and was super chubby, we called her a weed whale
by Derpderp200 December 29, 2017
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A person who smokes a lot of weed and has become obese from a severe case of the munchies
Synonyms: Weed Whale
"Yeah man, there was this fat chick who sold weed to all the kids in my school, a real Pot Potato."
by Derpderp200 December 29, 2017
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