1 definition by Definitely Not Wayne

A unit of measurement for quantifying the goodness or badness of someone or something.

Usually expressed on a scale of one to five, with one being not all that good and five being very good. In this schema, the word is used with the modifying adjective "up."

Conversely, can be paired with the modifying adjective "down"
to express how bad something or someone is, with one indicating pretty bad and five meaning unbelievably awful.

Very similar to the "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" schema commonly used by the unimaginative, but any time waynes are brought into the picture the intensity of the message is increased by a factor of ten trillion.
Did you see that Meghan McCain chick? Man I give her five waynes up.

Ugh did you see that nasty old Sarah Palin grandma? Five waynes down!
by Definitely Not Wayne August 22, 2009
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