2 definitions by Definerofdefinitions

The scars / burn marks which one receives on their wrist or forearm from attempting to jam too large a piece of firewood into a small wood stove.
If you already have 5 wood burner tattoos before Christmas you should either drink less or cut your firewood smaller.
by Definerofdefinitions October 4, 2023
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When an inexperienced outdoorsman or homeowner attempts to light a bonfire, using improper technique combined with wet wood, resulting in a smoky, smouldering plume that smokes out the whole area so all the neighbours can see and smell it.

Often takes several attempts occasionally using lighter fluid, gasoline or other flammable substances to achieve proper combustion and still required to throw cardboard and / or mixed recycling on top after the fact in order to keep it going. Will periodically fan with a large Tupperware or garbage can lid in order to sustain the fire. It’s about a 20 minute process.
Craig’s been working at that fire for 20 minutes now has done nothing but give off smoke signals

There’s hardly any flame but I can see the smoke from across the lake, must be a white man’s fire.
by Definerofdefinitions October 4, 2023
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