4 definitions by Deeblok


a rude name for a sleazy girl
" I don't like that whore! she just fuckmeat!"
by Deeblok November 3, 2005
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a black guy who is into pornos real bad, thinks he's cool cuz he and dress like he crawled from under a pile of clothes from a chinese store 50% off sale.
" you can tell he is a porno-thug! he has not life, no dress game and horny as hell and can't do anything about it...."
by Deeblok November 4, 2005
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a group of people smoking weed or cigarettes in a group, a passing the cigarette or blunt around in a circle until it is finished.
"Dog, we was hotboxing in the parking-lot before school! I'm hiiiiiiiiiigher than a muthafucka!"
by Deeblok November 4, 2005
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as a boot

A term to describe how hot, dry, ugly or strong something or someone is.
" It's hot as a boot outside!"
"My mouth drier than a boot! save me some juice, fam!"
"She ugly as a boot! lookin like a wet mule!"
"She strong as a boot! She got that RETARDED STRENGTH!"
by Deeblok November 4, 2005
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