2 definitions by Deadheadkid92

Jerry Day

The birthday of music legend Jerry Garcia. Celebrated with listening to music and having fun.
Man, we're gonna get wasted and listen to The Dead all day on Jerry Day, It's gonna be awesome.
by Deadheadkid92 March 2, 2009
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The Clench

Jaw clenching caused as a side-effect of consuming LSD. Generally not dangerous. Treated by staying hydrated and exercising the mouth. Nothing to worry about as worrying can cause a bad trip.
Luke: You just gotta watch out for The Clench
A.J. (On LSD): The Clench? Wtf is that?
Luke: You don't know about The Clench man? That shit will lock your mouth shut!
by Deadheadkid92 August 10, 2010
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