6 definitions by David Jayne willaims

Rubbish Rubbish Rubbish ride at thorpe park in surrey.I still rode it 7000 times this season though.What self respecting thorpe park mega fan wouldn't!
Feel the force of the shite-ey warrior
by David Jayne willaims January 23, 2005
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A small public footpath close to thorpe park, surrey.Where i spend my winter months ravaging stray moldy burger king double cheeseburgers for food, hoping to get a look at the amazing new flat rides.Usually i can get a photo that actually shows the top of the ride "slightly" obscured by the nemesis inferno station.My only friend is a tincan named david stevenson who i talk to everyday and execute plans to destroy alton towers.Damn them
"What the feck"

That's what the security guards said to me
by David Jayne willaims January 23, 2005
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A rollercoaster at alton towers that copyied the almighty nemesis inferno at alton towers
Nemesis is poo and i hate it
by David Jayne willaims January 23, 2005
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A coaster i rode once when i moved house for the day when thorpe park shut.It had 50 inversions.It was better than alton towers.Alton towers should rot.
by David Jayne willaims January 23, 2005
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An amazing coaster at thorpe park.You fall out in the inlines.
Colossus is good and i love it not like alton towers which is poo.
by David Jayne willaims January 23, 2005
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The place where i spend all my time at like every good coaster enthusiast should.I wake up outside the entrance inside a tent and use the annual pass that i found in the bin to gain entrance to the park every day.

The security men beat me with sticks and poor coffee down my tent every night.It's not my fault my house is right outside the entrance to the park.

The park is home to the best rides in the world ever and whoever disagrees is wrong and deserves to be drowned by the mafia.Nemesis inferno is amazing.

Alton towers must rot!!
by David Jayne willaims January 23, 2005
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