3 definitions by Dave Lee

(1) The use of bullying,criticism, humiliation, manipulation, social pressure, controlling and propaganda to prevent Asian females from dating white males
She was ''Asian Girl Shamed '' until she broke up with her white bf. The constant Asian girl Shaming is at epidemic proportions in some Asian communities
by Dave Lee September 26, 2016
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A racist term created by insecure Asian men (like Asian Boss) who mostly are involuntarily celibate. Instead of improving themselves, which would increase their chances of finding a girlfriend. They instead engage in projecting their insecurities onto Asian women by shaming them away from dating foreign men through the use of apartheid style mass propaganda.

Yellow Fever is offensive to people who believe in :
*Freedom to have interracial relationships.
*Women's right to choose their own partner without stigma.

*Living without being racially discriminated against.
*Basic human rights
*Having peaceful multicultural/multiracial societies
This term should represent foreign men, yet the supposed ''yellow fever'' men are never apart of the conversation, so it's clear that this term is only used to shame Asian women.
An Asian man cries ''Yellow fever'' in desperation, when feelings of inadequacy bubble to the surface of his involuntary celibate life.
by Dave Lee February 28, 2019
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A particulary sneaky manoeuvre in football (soccer) that involves kicking the ball through an opponent's legs. Usually followed with cheers of "Wheeyyy!" or "MEGS!"
"Megs!! Wheyyyyy, get in."
by Dave Lee July 10, 2005
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