18 definitions by Da Wizard Of OZ

The operating system designed by Bill Cosby and released in late 2008. This operating system is Unix based and it is distributed by CosbySoft. Bill Cosby has been a computer programmer ever since he started to eat Jell-o pudding.
CosbyOS is a great operating system, it's faster and more stable than Windows and Linux and you can play lots of cool games on it like SimTaco. The only thing that sucks about CosbyOS is that you have to make Bill Cosby Jell-o pudding every 5 minutes when you use it.
by Da Wizard Of OZ June 4, 2009
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The Blue colored bar that contains six definitions with pictures that lies underneath the regular definitions. If you type a definition in with evil intent, a Middle Eastern country will pop up. If you type a definition in with a badass yet curious way, "Arnold Schwarznegger will pop up.
Nobody knows why the Blue bar exists on UrbanDictionary.com. It is thought that some dude named Chris invented the Blue Bar sometime in 2004 at the University of Arizona as a present for the UD boss himself, Scott Peckham. I can't wait until somebody hacks it and puts new pictures and definitions into it *sigh*
by Da Wizard Of OZ December 14, 2009
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Minnesotan phrase meaning "What are you guys doing?" Used primarily in Minnesota and Michigan. The Canadian accent spoken in Minnesota attributes to this pronunciation of this kickass phrase.

*After Jon sees Ron tie up some dude to a chair and strap a Gasoline bottle onto him*

Jon: "Whatcha guys doin dere EHHHHHHH????????"
Ron: "I dun nah"
Jon: "EHHHHHH????????? What de fack yah TAHKIN 'boot?"

*Ron Shrinks Jon down with a Shrink Ray to 12 inches tall*

Jon: "De boost 'vention to edder cewm 'oot a Da-Troy Meeesh-er-goon, EHHHHH????????? De Shrink 'Ay is GAAAAAAHD"
by Da Wizard Of OZ December 14, 2009
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A small town located in North Carolina located right on the NC/VA state line. There's nothing there except for the ghost of a mall (the "Becker Village") and Lake Gaston. There is a Wal-Mart there as well but no Target. But hey, at least it's close to Richmond.
I was in my house in Richmond, VA, minding my own business, when all of a sudden I get the controllable urge to drive an hour south to the NC state line. I stumble upon this place known as "Roanoke Rapids, NC". Almost instantly I'm surrounded by brainless southern rednecks. lol that's NC for you -_-
by Da Wizard Of OZ January 24, 2011
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The capital of South Jersey. It is known as "da town" to residents of South Jersey.
Vineland is in the depths of South Jersey. ITS ALL ABOUT PHILLY SON
by Da Wizard Of OZ June 5, 2009
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To call up a random business or person that you found in the phone book on the phone and then once the person answers the phone you don't say anything and you wait until the person on the other line hangs up.
An example of Ring Rong Bitch:

You: *Calls up Bob's Auto Shop*
Bob: "Bob's Auto Shop, How may I help you?"
You: *Silence*
Bob: "Hello?"
You: *Silence*
by Da Wizard Of OZ October 27, 2009
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what fat nerdy white boys from iowa like to whack off to (hehe)
johnny is a fat white boy from iowa so therefore he beats his junk to ayumi hamasaki's uber cute petite japanese body
by Da Wizard Of OZ January 25, 2011
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