2 definitions by DEFINEwizard

Term used to describe a male who is sexually intrigued and infatuated by other men. He typically displays qualities frequently attributed to females. The Benoit is typically a little bit invasive and can be a little bit stalker Esch.
1. dude, your'e such a Benoit! stop staring at my D***.

2. stop being a Benoit and get out of the mens locker room!
3. its totally cool that your g*y but don't Benoit around me
by DEFINEwizard October 24, 2022
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1. attributes equating to a quality that is undesirable

2. a term used when someone makes a mistake

3. frequently used when the colors red or orange are involved
1. that shirt is so zeve. dont wear it in public.

2. im going to pass you the soccer ball. make sure you score. Don't zeve.

3. Those shoes are too red, they are so zeve.
by DEFINEwizard October 23, 2022
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