16 definitions by DAvid Cowpell Downtrodden

An utter stronzo, and foolish wonder. It is regularly amazing how ignorant this person can be. Often wearing all-over designer gear, to prove how 'special' they are. A cock.
"What an Anus McAnus from the clan McAnus. An offensive to the organic legions."
by DAvid Cowpell Downtrodden March 26, 2004
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Ideal chosen excuse for having the morning off work, ideally to attend an interview for a rewarding job. Completely throws any bovate suspicion as hypochondria is accepted as the norm.
"I won't be in 'til 12 today as I have a physio appointment on my dodgy knee."
"Oh okay. I hope you feel better afterwards."
"Oh I will, you bove. I will. Lie-ins are truly therapeutic."
by DAvid Cowpell Downtrodden September 2, 2004
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