1 definition by Cumbaja

Commonly found in obscure forums and social media echo chambers.
Femcels come out of the woodwork online where they sensationalise and stereotype all their radical views.

There are 2 species categorised:

- "Mimi" Femcel
An over privileged, entitled girl/women, where any minor inconvenience in life is seen as instant mysogyny and cataclysmic oppression. Usually found in Starbucks, living off daddy's life style funds.

- "Troll" Femcel
Devoid of any redeeming physical features and the personality of a mangled plank, the lack of male attention has turned them into social vindictive warriors.
These women will slander normal "pickme" girls out of envy, but most importantly, all their problems are caused by men and the patriarchy.

Both of these femcels live in an alternative reality, where they see themselves as the eternal victims, and men the ultimate foe - ignoring actual facts, and cherry picking statistics.

As a femcel your duties are to persecute men, daily, create false narratives and blame men for all problems.

Linda (Femcel): "Please check your privilege and stop raping me. "

Mike: "Sorry mam, I just serve tea here"


James: "My homie killed himself after Afghanistan"

Brenda (Femcel): "I broke my nail last week I'm not complaining. Men be oppressors #killallmen"
by Cumbaja December 8, 2021
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